“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
In a world that is constantly evolving and changing, our ability to adapt can increase our chances of being successful in our careers, relationships, health and more.
In life, we will always experience unpleasant and uncomfortable things. Some of these things are within our control, while often times, others are not. Adaptability ensures that we stay afloat with things are to bring us down - allowing us to bounce back from inevitable failures.
And the more adaptability we show, the more confident we become. Instead of running away from challenges, discomfort, and change. We learn how to embrace them, befriend them, and use them for personal growth. Essentially, we build resiliency and grit.
If we have a dream, a goal, a vision- We’re going to have to be relentless in our pursuits. We’re going to have to push through pain, fight with adversity, and challenge ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. Becoming adaptable is essential in our pursuits.
Everyone has their owns struggles, weaknesses, and demons to fight. Those that come out on top practice being adaptable.
Well, because it’s sort of hard isn’t it?
Adaptation often requires you to stop following the status quo, to get out of our comfort zones, and to break routines.
That comfort zone we’ve created, helps us to decrease stress, reduce anxiety, and keeps us from taking risks. In reality, it’s really not all bad. We need our comfort zone every once in a while. That Netflix series and chicken soup for the soul kind of night if you will. ☻
If you’re ok with living in your comfort zone for the rest of your life there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. It’s safe and secure and it makes perfect sense that you would want to stay comfortable.
However, if you’re looking to continually grow, challenge yourself, and embrace some of the uncomfortable then I leave you with this:
It’s up to us to embrace the uncertainty that comes with stepping out of our comfort zones and adapting to the changes that are necessary to excel. To act without expectation is a driving force for becoming more adaptable in our lives. There is seldom a perfect outcome to any situation but we can create better experiences for ourselves by using the power of adaptability.
We’re constantly evolving. Let’s not fight that but instead; lean into the changes, experiences, and lessons that we’re learning daily.