Expectations + Practicing Gratitude Best SelfShelby CastileDecember 5, 2018Holiday Self Care, Self Care over the Holidays, Taking control of your schedule during the holidays, Managing Expectations & Practicing Gratitude
Slowing Down Best SelfShelby CastileJuly 3, 2018Meditation for Self Care, Learn to say no, make a list for self care, how to enjoy summer, make time for yourself, make time for summer
Summer Self-Care Best SelfShelby CastileJune 4, 2018Self Care over the Summer, Taking time for self in summer, Summer you time, Self Reflection
Refresh + Rejuvenate Best SelfShelby CastileMarch 3, 2018spring cleaning, spring refresh, reflect and look forward in life, rejuvenate yourself in spring, inspire healthy eating habits
The Power of Intention Best SelfShelby CastileJanuary 3, 2018New Years resolutions, live your life more intentionally, how to be more intentional, intentional living, living intentionally
Holiday Self-Care Best SelfShelby CastileDecember 7, 2017Holiday Self Care, Self Care over the Holidays, Meditation for Self Care, Ways to take time for yourself
Revisiting Boundaries Best SelfShelby CastileOctober 11, 2017Learning to set boundaries, setting boundaries in relationships, setting boundaries, how boundaries can affect relationships
Need a reset? The time is NOW. Best SelfShelby CastileMay 30, 2017open yourself to new beginnings, reflect and look forward in life, keep yourself accountable, create SMART goals for yourself, need a reset
Unplug, Stop + Breathe Best SelfShelby CastileApril 18, 2017stress and media, medias role in stress, finding balance to unwind, too much stimuli from media
Waking-Up Best SelfShelby CastileFebruary 28, 2017feel yourself bravely waking up, awaken inner respect, follow through on your dreams, shelby castile psychotherapy